Eight Vital Swimming Pool Maintenance Tips

While a pool can offer much enjoyment to your family, it’s not all fun and games. When you own a swimming pool, it’s crucial that you maintain it properly to ensure it lasts well and needs very few repairs over the years. With the right instructions, you’ll be able to take care of your pool and ensure it it’s in tip-top shape! Follow these eight vital swimming pool maintenance tips to help maintain your pool’s safety for years!

1. Check the Water Quality

The first thing you’ll need to remember when maintaining your pool is to make sure that you’re testing the water quality often and adding the right chemicals to the water. It would help if you kept the chlorine levels consistent at all times.

Adding chemicals to your swimming pool is one of the most important things you can do to maintain it. A pool without the proper chemical balance can harbor bacteria, look murky, and be dangerous to swim in.

Check water quality at least once per week during the summer months, but even more often if possible. The pool should also be checked during the winter months, though you’ll have to do it less often. 1-2 weeks is usually often enough during the winter for checking chemical levels.

Remember that the pH should always stay between 7.4 and 7.6. An off-balance pH may lead to calcium buildup around the sides of your pool and other problems, so it’s crucial you’re maintaining it well.

2. Clean the Filter

The next thing you need to remember to do when maintaining your pool is regularly clean the filter. While you won’t need to clean the filter as often as you check the chemicals, it’s still essential to make sure your pool is looking good and working as it should be.

Depending on the conditions of your pool and the weather, you’ll want to make sure to clean the filter out every 3-6 months. Heavy rain and bad weather can also lead to a filthy filter. After a heavy storm, it’s also a good idea to clean the filter. 

3. Clean Various Baskets and Collection Pots

Aside from the pool filter, you’ll also want to check the various baskets and collection pots your pool has.

First, clean the hair and lint pot on your pool’s pump. The hair and lint pot is inside of your pool’s pump within the clear glass. To do this, you’ll want to turn off the pump and then release the system pressure. Clean this every two weeks, but you may want to check it more often if necessary.

Second, you need to clean out the pool’s skimmer basket and a debris catcher or leaf basket if your swimming pool has these.

4. Check the Water Level

To keep your pool in great shape, regularly check the water level. A water level that is too low can create problems in the pump and can cause it to run dry or burn up.

Water levels that are too high can also be a problem. High water levels can cause the skimmer door not to work as it should.

Water level changes are expected from time to time, particularly after a heavy storm or after a lot of pool usage, so it’s essential to check from time to time. Make sure that the water level remains at the halfway point of your pool skimmer.

5 Skim and Scrub It Up

Skimming is one of the most common and regularly done types of maintenance that you’ll be doing for your pool. Skimming refers to removing leaves and other types of debris off of the surface of your pool. Do this job every day to keep your swimming pool looking great.

Scrub every other week at least, and remember to scrub the sides of your swimming pool with a scrub brush to make sure your siding is looking great. Watch out for any algae growth and use the scrub brush to ensure it doesn’t build up.

6 Use a Tennis Ball For Pool Maintenance

Oils such as suntan lotions, hair products, and natural body oils can often get into a pool. While this particular pool maintenance trick may seem a bit unusual, using a tennis ball in your pool can be a great way to help keep it clean. This trick will allow the tennis ball to absorb these oils instead and make your pool much cleaner in the process.

To do this, drop a tennis ball into your pool and let it stay for a while. The tennis ball will absorb any oils that find their way into the water of your swimming pool.

7 Prepare For the Winter

Doing a few things to winterize your swimming pool will help you avoid any potential issues. It will also ensure that your swimming pool is still in great shape when the next summer season rolls around. If you don’t winterize your pool well, you may have to deal with costly repairs later. 

To winterize your pool make sure you use a water testing kit to ensure that chemicals are balanced before you close your pool up for the year. Then get any extra water out of the plumbing lines and cover it up tight to keep debris out.

8 Get You Swimming Pool Professionally Serviced

While you can do a lot on your own to ensure that your pool is maintained well, nothing beats professional servicing. It’s a good idea to get at least one professional servicing for your swimming pool every single year to ensure that it remains in good shape.

Professionals can do things you can’t do for your pool. They have the specialized knowledge to make sure every part of your pool is working as it should and can help you prolong its life. Plus, they are particularly good at checking pool equipment and components such as filters, pumps, and heating systems.

Contact Us

It’s vital that you keep your pool clean and well-maintained. By using the pool maintenance tips above, you’ll ensure that your swimming pool always remains in tiptop shape and doesn’t have any huge problems throughout the year. 

Need professional help with your pool maintenance? Contact us today to learn more about how Crystal Cleaning can provide a deep cleaning of your swimming pool.