How to Remedy Three Major Laundry Disasters 

What do stinky, yellowed, and crayon-stained laundry items have in common? Each of these problems has a unique remedy—a way to reverse the stains and get those items back to looking good as new. In this article, we cover how to remedy three major laundry disasters. 

Get the Stench Out of Stinky Towels

No matter how often you wash your smelly towels, you cannot get rid of the disgusting sour, mildewy odor. The problem is clear evidence of a build-up of bacteria that continue to live along with soap and softeners that have not been rinsed out—despite having been previously washed and dried. They’ve become stiff and scratchy and have begun to repel rather than absorb water.

The remedy to this problem is a two-step process. Vinegar contains acetic acid that breaks down mineral deposits and dissolves the build-up of detergent and fabric softeners. Baking soda is alkali and breaks down dirt and grease while simultaneously neutralizing odors. Used together, they create an initial punch but then counteract one another. To fix this problem, you do not want to mix them. This remedy will strip the residue and leave it fresh and able to absorb more water again.

Step 1: Wash Towels in Boiling Water & Vinegar

Load towels into the washer loosely set it for a long wash cycle, and fill with the hottest water you can manage. Turn the water heater up to 140F for this event. Or boil water on the stovetop, then carefully transport it to the washer. The point is that the water must be boiling to kill the bacteria. Add two cups of white vinegar to the load. Allow it to run the entire cycle, then leave the towels in the washer.

Step 2: Wash Towels Again with Boiling Water

Fill the machine once more with the hottest water possible. This time add one cup of baking soda. Run the entire cycle.

Step 3: Dry completely

Whether you hang the towels outdoors or put them in the dryer, make sure they are completely and thoroughly dry. Now smell them. If they do not smell fabulously clean, repeat Step #1 and Step #2 as necessary until the smell is completely gone. The investment you’ve made in these towels makes them worth the effort.

Removing Yellow Underarm Stains

The combination of antiperspirant ingredients or hard water and the salts in human sweat cause armpit stains on white t-shirts. Most antiperspirants contain aluminum compounds to reduce wetness. The aluminum in the deodorant or the minerals in hard water causes the build-up and yellowing on fabrics. The stains don’t appear overnight, but after each wear, the yellow will show.

You will need these items to get these stains out:

  • Blue Dawn liquid dishwashing detergent
  • fresh* hydrogen peroxide
  • baking soda
  • bristle brush

In a small jar or bowl, make a mixture of 1 part Dawn and two parts hydrogen peroxide. Protect your countertop or work area with a thick white towel and thoroughly saturate the liquid’s stains. Now, sprinkle baking soda over the color and scrub the areas well with an old toothbrush or bristle brush. Allow to sit for at least an hour, then launder as usual.

Make sure it’s fresh for this treatment.

*Store your hydrogen peroxide in a dark place—entirely out of light. Hydrogen peroxide dissipates with age and exposure to sunlight. It’s suitable for use up to six months after opening.

Get Melted Crayon Out of Clothes

For some reason, crayons seem to find their way into little pockets and wreak havoc when the heat of the clothes dryer causes them to melt.

Place a folded white paper towel under the stained area of the fabric. Next, spray WD-40 lubricant on the stain until saturated.

Turn the fabric over and spray the stain on the wrong side of the material. Let the WD-40 work for at least fifteen minutes to loosen the waxy part of the stain. Then use a dull knife or the edge of a credit card to lift any crayon solids from the surface gently.

Next, rub a bit of Blue Dawn liquid dishwashing detergent into the crayon mark. Work it into the stained area with your fingers or with a soft brush. Allow the WD-40 and detergent to work on the stain for at least 15 minutes and then launder as usual, following the fabric’s care label instructions.

The Dryer 

Suppose you have a stain caused by crayons that melted in the dryer. It’s first vital to clean the dryer drum. If you don’t, any traces of crayon will continue to transfer to other fabrics when the dryer heats up. 

Spray every stain with WD-40. Allow it to work for a few minutes, and then use a rubber scraper to remove the solids. Wipe down with an old cloth. Repeat until no more traces remain.

To make sure you can safely use the dryer again for clean clothes, toss in a couple of old towels and run on high heat for at least five minutes so they can absorb any traces of WD-40 that remain.

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Reading the article about how to remedy three major laundry disasters will help you tackle some hard stains!

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