Ten Office Cleaning Tips

Keep your office clean hassle-free. Whether you clean daily, weekly, or monthly or hire an office cleaning company, your working space should always be kept clean. Here are ten office cleaning tips to help you maintain office cleanliness. 

Follow these office cleaning tips so a dirty office will be a thing of the past!

Organize Paperwork 

As obvious as this may be, you should take a look around your office. Is paperwork piled up everywhere? If you answered yes, then you have a problem. But the good news? It’s easy to fix it. All you need to do is find the proper storage for each type of file. Filing cabinets, wall pockets, and desk trays are your best friends when cleaning the paperwork occupying your office space.

Keep Public Areas Clean

Suppose your office also has an area designated for customers. In this instance, it’s essential to keep it as clean as possible. The seating area should be dust and stain free. Easily do this with a duster and a couple of clean rags. Moreover, if you have a carpeted floor, vacuum it at least once a week.

Keep Working Areas Spotless

Just like in the public areas, your office area should be nice and tidy. That means dusting every week, cleaning the cables from all of the electronics, and so on. Using a dust-repellent spray on most surfaces will ensure a dust-free area for at least a week.

Disinfect Bathrooms

Besides providing your office with a clean look, disinfecting your bathrooms also creates a healthier environment for the employees that work in the office. Healthy employees mean fewer days off due to sickness. This method translates into more productive employees. Furthermore, hiring a professional office cleaning company, such as Crystal Cleaning, will save you a lot of time and hassle.

Clean Electronics Regularly

Dust particles are attracted to electronic devices. That’s why dust builds up faster and is more visible around electronic devices and cables. Regularly use a duster and a soft rag to clean your screens, PCs, laptops, and other electronic devices. Be sure to use disinfectant when cleaning any telephones. Germs accumulate on the telephone receiver more than most devices.

Take Out the Trash Regularly

Office cleaning isn’t complete without taking out the trash. Place a few trash bins in the most populated or circulated areas, and be sure to take the trash out every other day. Don’t let the garbage pile up. If you want a clean office, you have to take out the garbage regularly. 

Keep All Desks Clean

A significant source of office clutter is a messy desk. While some people work better in chaotic conditions, keeping the desk clean is still essential for workplace tidiness. You could also install tissue and hand cleaning gel dispensers where your desks are. This method will allow your employees to keep their working space clean and germ-free.

Keep the Kitchen Clean

If your office has a kitchen, you should take special care when cleaning it. Food should only be stored in clean refrigerators or cabinets to maintain a healthy environment. Remember also to clean the microwave plate, the sink, and the table daily.

Tidy-up the break room

Some offices have break rooms that are separate from the kitchen. If that’s your case, make sure your break room is also clean. You wouldn’t want dust to be carried to and from the work area and break room. Wipe floors 

Hire a Professional Cleaning Company

Not everyone has enough spare time to do all the cleaning work. That’s why some office owners hire professional office cleaning companies to do the job. We only use professional products and hire experts. Office staff will be more productive, focusing on work instead of cleaning. Give us a call today! 727-313-4560.