rise in coronavirus cases calls for sanitizing expertise

According to the June 16, 2020 Bay News 9 article, Coronavirus Spiking Among Millennials in Tampa, St. Pete Areas, “The number of coronavirus cases is spiking in Florida, and particularly among millennials in the Tampa and St. Petersburg area.” This news is not what most business owners want to hear right now, but unfortunately, it’s the truth. The good news is, there is hope! A rise in coronavirus cases calls for sanitizing expertise. For this reason, Crystal Cleaning uses solutions effective in fighting the coronavirus to keep businesses safe.  

The Number of Coronavirus Cases are on the Rise

The numbers are rising, according to the Bay News 9 article. “In Hillsborough County, 604 cases of the coronavirus have been reported among people between the ages of 25 to 34, and in Pinellas County 340 have tested positive in that same age group.” 

It’s time that Pinellas County business owners take the necessary precautions to prevent coronavirus spread at their establishment. From gyms to clinics, there is one solution that can prevent the spread of coronavirus like no other solution: hydrogen peroxide

This solution is simple and works to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

The Blue Ox Maxx for Sanitizing Expertise 

Due to the rise in coronavirus cases, calls for sanitizing expertise is also on the rise. Hydrogen peroxide, the number one ingredient in Blue Ox Maxx, works as a disinfectant by destroying essential components of germ cells. It also deactivates a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores. 

According to the CDC, a concentration of 3% hydrogen peroxide can inactivate rhinovirus (the common cold virus) in eight minutes! Following the right protocols, it can eliminate the novel coronavirus! However, it’s also vital to understand that you must clean before you sanitize. 

How the Sanitizing Process Works

In itself, a general-purpose cleaner will not eliminate bacteria or viruses, but you should always start there. After you properly clean any surface, you must decide to sanitize or disinfect or both. Before disinfecting and sanitizing, begin with a general-purpose cleaner. Before sanitizing or applying a disinfectant, the surface should always be clear of dirt and debris  

After standard cleaning, Blue Ox Maxx effectively sanitizes areas using a misty fogging spray. This product reaches large areas with the ClenzOzone and the sanitizing process. Blue Ox Maxx Ultra spray is available for in-between use, which reassures customers that every possible step was taken to make Pinellas County businesses safer and cleaner. 

Sanitizers reduce microorganisms on a surface to a level considered safe by public health standards. This is 99.9 percent within 30 seconds. A disinfectant kills nearly 100 percent (99.999 percent) of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. These unwanted germs only last five to ten minutes after being sprayed with the sanitizing solution. 

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Business-opening Product Blue Ox MAXX