how to declutter your work area

Do you want to be more productive and focused on your work? Get the clutter out of your work area to accomplish this goal. Crystal Cleaning offers three essential tips on how to declutter your work area to establish order and mindfulness in the workplace. 

1. Start with Your Desk

Clear everything off the top of your desk and remove everything from the drawers. Assemble the items in piles on the floor. Wipe down your desk with disinfecting wipes. If your desk is wood, be sure to use a wood cleaner.

Next, sort through your desk drawer belongings that were both in and on your desk. Toss out as much as possible a relatively small amount. Then, wipe everything down that was on the top of your desk and arrange the items how you’d like. Crystal Cleaning recommends putting things on your desk that you use most often. Also, be sure to add a couple of personal items to personalize your desk. For example, keep your phone, computer, inbox, and maybe a unique photo. Also, keep the documents you are working with at the moment on your desk so you can prioritize your workload. 

Once you’ve weeded things out, it’s time to sort through the remains:

Set up a basic alphabetical filing system with a folder for each project or client. Keep your office supplies and other items in designated drawers.

Suppose you need to label items. However, be sure to designate a spot for everything you decided to keep. Make sure that those items stay there, or you return them after use. 

Keep flat surfaces clear, and have an inbox for all incoming papers. When the reports come in, sort them each day. Label items with the following designations: toss, delegate, do immediately, or file. File all documents, but whatever you do, do not keep them on top of your desk. Doing so creates more clutter that you are trying to eliminate. 

2. Declutter your Computer Desktop 

Get rid of files and programs on your computer that you don’t need or use. 

Also, get rid of most or all of the icons on your desktop that you aren’t using. Computer icons not only slow down your computer but also create visual clutter. There are better ways of accessing your information.

Regularly purge old, unused files. If organizing is not your thing, utilize the Google Desktop program to search for your files when you need them.


3. Organize Digital and Print Information

In today’s digital world, there are many different ways in which we receive information. Data can become overwhelming when you have too much of it, and this is called information clutter. Instead of letting information take over your life, set limits in the following ways:

  • Reduce the number of things that you read each day and get rid of stuff from your RSS feed. 
  • Chuck those magazine subscriptions and reduce your consumption of news and television.

Setting some boundaries on the information you take in will help not only declutter your desk but it creates peace of mind. Instead of letting information take over your life, control how and when you receive it by limiting what you read and digest.

Contact Us

Need help cleaning your office? Crystal Cleaning knows how to declutter your work area while also giving your workspace the crystal cleaning look and feel it deserves. Contact us today for a FREE estimate