Guide to a Post-Construction Remodel Cleanup

Before you can unwind in your newly redesigned home, there are some steps you should take to finish your remodel. Crystal Cleaning is here to provide a guide to a post-construction remodel cleanup. 

Open the Windows

Even if it’s the middle of winter, open your windows. Opening the windows will create an airflow to draw out dust, reduce smells from cleaning products, and minimize the peculiar odors of plaster dust and sawn wood.

If you have sensitive lungs or respiratory problems, consider wearing a mask for the cleaning process. Wearing a mask will prevent you from discomfort caused by breathing in dust and chemicals.

Sweep Before Dusting

It’s tempting to dust surfaces as the first step of cleaning, but don’t. Instead, sweep the floors first. Sweeping often causes dust to settle on surfaces. Unless you want to get stuck in an endless cycle of dust, sweep, repeat, sweep the floors first to minimize any additional dust clouds.

Dust Everything—Literally, Everything! 

Get out the microfiber cloths and wipe down everything in sight. Old rags won’t do the job properly: you want to use proper dusting cloths designed to attract dust particles.

It would help if you always cleaned between blinds, window ledges, the tops of door frames, shelving units, cupboards, and any other surface. Start in one corner of the room near the exit and work your way back around to the same doorway.

Leave the Room

Give yourself a little break. This downtime will help any dust particles that have been caught in the air to settle down again. If your remodel was only for one area, sit back and relax for half an hour. However, if you have other rooms that need cleaning, now’s the time to start sweeping and dusting. 

Vacuum Time

Start with the carpets and migrate to the nooks with the additional vacuum tools after that.

Run the vacuum cleaner over your carpets slowly. It’s tempting to go at full speed to get the job done more quickly, but a slow approach will ensure you pick up all of the dust. If you miss a spot or don’t clean thoroughly enough, dust will continue to fluff out of the carpet when you walk on it.

Check Your Air Vents

Often forgotten during a post-remodel clean, air vents are a magnet for dust.

Make sure you dust and vacuum inside your vents as well as the external grills. This procedure will prevent any clogging in your air conditioning or heating system and stop any dust from recirculating back into the room you’ve spent ages cleaning.

Wipe & Dry Hard Surfaces 

Now it’s time to wipe down any hard surfaces, like kitchen counters, with disinfectant to sanitize your home. 

Prevent any musty smells or mold problems in your newly remodeled home by drying off all areas that you’ve cleaned, too. Remember to leave cupboards open to dry out, for example. Otherwise, you risk some less-than-pleasant damp smells.

Vacuum One More Time

When you think you’re all done, run the vacuum around the area again. Many of the dust particles in the air will have settled by now, so a final clean will minimize the risk of ongoing dust problems.

Can’t Face the Cleaning? Cleaning Experts Will Handle It for You

If the idea of post-construction cleaning sounds like too much work, or you’re just exhausted from the remodeling process, we can help!  Apart from our guide to post-construction remodel cleanup, 

Crystal Cleaning’s post-construction services are a secure way to make sure your home is clean and dust-free. Call us today to find out more about our post-construction cleaning services.