Five Tips for Cleaning Up After a Party

Do you love to host parties for your friends and family but feel overwhelmed by the post-event cleanup? With the holidays around the corner, it’s time to start planning to get ahead of the holiday bustle. In this article, we go over how to clean up fast after a party. This way, you won’t feel stressed out about the mess in your home. Keep reading to learn about the five tips for cleaning up after a party. 

1. Get Cleaning Supplies Together

Before you do any cleaning, you’ll first want to gather essential cleaning supplies. Ensure you have plenty of garbage bags, recycle bags, gloves, all-purpose spray, and rags. You might need some heavy-duty cleaners too.

2. Gather Empty Bottles

Go through your home and pick up all the bottles and empty glasses. Pour away any unfinished liquid before you drop the recyclables in a sturdy bag. You’ll want to do the same for plates of food. Get rid of anything that wasn’t in an airtight container. If there are any ashtrays, empty them, and put them in the sink. Getting rid of the clutter from the party will help make the rest of the cleaning process more manageable.

3. Open Your Windows and Use a Diffuser

Before you clean, you’ll want to prop open some windows to circulate fresh air through your home. Be sure to open the windows in each room for airflow. If you own a diffuser, consider filling it up with essential oil. These tips will help get rid of the smell of alcohol and body odor.

4. Fill up the Dishwasher

Gather up all the used glasses, dishes, bowls, and cups and put them in your dishwasher. Check all the rooms that people partied in, so you don’t miss any dishes lying around in random spots. 

5. Pick One Room and Start Cleaning

After you get rid of the bottles, dirty dishes, and cups, you can begin cleaning. You’ll want to do basic cleaning. Wipe down furniture, and vacuum the floor and furniture. You might need to clean spills on the floor. If someone spilled something on your rug or carpet, make sure you rent a carpet cleaner.

If you’re tired and need to go to bed, at least clean up the common areas. Move furniture around or put extra chairs away. Clean up this mess before heading to bed. This way, you won’t feel overwhelmed in the morning. 

Contact Us

Crystal Cleaning, your Clearwater, Florida cleaning company, hopes this post-event cleanup guide was helpful. Make sure you tackle the job in steps. After all, cleaning up after a party doesn’t have to be overwhelming! Don’t want to clean up yourself? Hire us to do the dirty work for you! Call today!