Disinfecting Pinellas County Businesses

Crystal Cleaning Janitorial Services is disinfecting Pinellas County businesses so they are ready to reopen! 

We specifically focus on the three types of businesses: 

  1. Medical Clinics
  2. Law Firms  
  3. Small Business Offices & Spaces

Whether you are 100% ready or not, Pinellas County businesses and workspaces are starting to open back up this week. Is your business prepared to reopen? And if it is, will it sustain the “new normal” of cleanliness? 

Not only does Crystal Cleaning offer a Deep Disinfecting and Sanitizing service to its clients and potential clients, but we are also here to provide the most useful information for you and your company. We provide information only from reputable sources, such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). 

Disinfecting Pinellas County Medical Clinics

Anytime a patient comes into a medical office, there is a potential that that person isn’t feeling well. As the AAFP states, “transmission will be primarily through exposure to respiratory droplets and direct contact with patients and their contaminated environments.”

Therefore, physician’s offices should prepare for opening with a checklist of protocols to maintain the health and well-being of its patients and employees. For example, before any patient enters the medical office, their temperature should be checked to reduce the chances of spreading COVID-19 significantly. However, because some COVID-19 victims are asymptomatic, it is necessary to have other types of protocols at hand. 

The AAFP provides a comprehensive checklist for physicians to follow to maintain safety in the office. Please see the Checklist to Prepare Physician Offices for COVID-19

Disinfecting Pinellas County Law Firm Offices 

Managing the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on law firm business will come in many stages. While many attorneys can work from home, this is not a long-term solution. Many procedures can be put into place to serve attorney clients safely. The National Law Review offers some excellent advice on how to keep your law office a workable space

Disinfecting Pinellas County Offices & Spaces

It is vitally important for small businesses to put procedures into place to maintain a healthy and workable space.  

JdSerpa, a business guidance company, reminds us, “While it is not possible to create a one-size-fits-all approach to RTW [Return to Work] issues, most businesses will want to at minimum take the following measures:

  • Create an Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan
  • Conduct a Hazard Assessment for new protocols/equipment put in place consistent with OSHA rules
  • Create or update existing policies on issues impacted by COVID-19 and RTW issues, such as remote work, leave of absence and travel policies
  • Craft communications to returning workers ensuring that they are aware of the safety measures in place and how to comply with them
  • Ensure that proper personal protective equipment (PPE) (if needed) and general cleaning materials such as soap and hand sanitizer are available
  • Designate who within the company will be a resource for RTW questions”

To get a more detailed account of these procedures, check out the rest of the article, Return-to-Work Best Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The CDC offers this advice for businesses in America: 

This guidance is intended for all Americans. Whether you own a business, run a school, or want to ensure the cleanliness and safety of your home, reopening America requires all of us to move forward together.  We must practice social distancing and other daily habits to reduce our risk of exposure to COVID-19. 


Feeling Overwhelmed?

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. All of these new procedures to maintain your business may be causing you stress. Crystal Cleaning is here to help you make the smoothest transition back into the workplace. We want you to know that our Deep Disinfecting & Sanitizing Team is here to help you take all the necessary precautions. Contact us today to get the comfort you deserve to open your business safely! 

EPA-Approved Solutions to Reopen Your Business