Best Practices to Maintain Cleanliness in Public Restrooms

Although it is still hot in Florida—and muggy—it’s never too soon to start preparing for cold and flu season. In addition to the cold and flu, we now have COVID-19, a new virus. Like the cold and flu, the disease spreads from respiratory droplets of an infected person. Unfortunately, these droplets can survive on a variety of surfaces. Fortunately, however, deactivating these viruses using numerous disinfectants can help. You can mitigate the spread by implementing changes to maintenance protocols. The following are best practices to maintain cleanliness in public restrooms to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the flu, and the common cold.

Start with Cleaning and Disinfecting 

Depending on your facility’s use, more frequent cleaning and disinfecting are crucial for reducing infection. Baby change tables, for example, require routine cleaning and disinfection. 

Begin by cleaning visibly soiled high-touch surfaces. Then use a disinfectant approved by the EPA. Be sure the surfaces remain wet for the entire contact time indicated on the label. Suppose hands-free fixtures and appliances are not available. In that case, it is wise to continually clean and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces. 

Promote Acceptable Hand-Hygiene Practices

Good hand hygiene is an essential practice in preventing viruses, so it’s necessary to demonstrate the proper technique—post signage with clear pictograms at all sinks. 

Currently, no studies indicate that COVID-19 is transmittable through electric air dryers. However, other studies have shown that air dryers can spread bacteria, so paper towels are the best choice for hand drying. Hands-free faucets are ideal, but signage reminds the public to turn off the tap using a paper towel if your faucets are manual. Keep soap and paper towel dispensers filled at all times and make hand sanitizer available at the entrance/exit.

Guide Physical Distancing

It’s hard to imagine people would want to gather in a public restroom. Still, space is usually limited, so it’s essential to indicate social distancing requirements. Proper spacing inside the bathroom means fewer users at one time, to avoid lineups. 

Post signage outside the washroom to explain the physical distancing and indicate maximum occupancy. Use floor markers to display the six-foot spacing, both outside and inside the restroom. We recommend decommissioning specific sinks or urinals (taped off) if maintaining adequate spacing in the current configuration isn’t possible. 

 More Precautions During COVID-19

If possible, adopt a policy that requires customers to wear non-medical masks when entering your premises. Make your best effort only to allow entry to customers wearing a face covering. Post face-covering signs outside public restrooms and increase ventilation in your facilities. We won’t be living in a pandemic forever, but the use of best practices is one way you can do your part to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Contact Us

Crystal Cleaning is here to help businesses in Pinellas County and the Greater Tampa Bay area survive these times. We promote cleanliness and practice the same precautions when entering your facility to clean it. Trust the company that informs you of best practices to maintain cleanliness in public restrooms crystal clear: call us today!