A Cleaning Service Is the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift

Crystal Cleaning Janitorial Services offers a cleaning service that is the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. In this two-part article, we will share five reasons why this nontraditional gift is the best and most unique of its kind. 

A History of Gift Ideas for Your Valentine 

Valentine’s Day is a holiday all about showing how much we care about the people we love. Bouquets, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, and dinner at a favorite restaurant are the traditional go-to gifts. Still, there are plenty of creative and thoughtful gift ideas for showing how much you care. 

But what if there was a gift that gave your significant other more time to do the things they love that could give them a break from their busy schedule and hectic lifestyle? 

A gift that lightens their load and gives them a neat and tidy home to enjoy? There’s a gift with all those benefits and more—residential cleaning services. When you think about it, what could be more romantic than giving your significant other the most valuable gift of all—more time? You can always buy more flowers and candy, but you can’t buy more time. Here are two reasons why gifting cleaning services for Valentine’s Day could be the best gift of all. Stay tuned for next week’s article when we give you three more reasons to love sharing the gift of residential cleaning. 

Give the Gift Everyone Loves

Some may think having a housekeeper help out around the house is a luxury—something typically reserved for the wealthy. In actuality, residential cleaning services are very affordable. And many who hire residential services understand the value of time and consider the small investment to be money well spent. 

If you think hiring a housekeeping company is frivolous and would leave you feeling guilty, you’re not alone. Typically, people who consider spending money to save time suffer from a nagging feeling of guilt. In fact, people feel guilty about spending the money and the benefits they would receive.

Ashley Whillans, an assistant professor at Harvard Business School explains, “Material purchases you can have right now [while] time-saving benefits you in the future. We always think we’re going to have more time tomorrow than today, whereas money is equally valuable [anytime]. It takes some mental gymnastics to think about spending a resource that’s concrete now in a way that’s going to save some time in the future.”

But the research also shows that people who spend money to save time are significantly happier about their purchase than those who consume it on material goods. But very few people would pay a windfall to save time as low as two percent. Who wouldn’t love more time?! If you want to make your significant other happy, give them the gift they really want. 

 Gifting a Peace of Mind

Who doesn’t want our families to be healthy and happy? Therefore, a fresh, clean environment gives us the peace of mind we enjoy taking care of ourselves and those we love. A professionally cleaned home creates a healthier environment for your family. That means less dust, dirt, germs, bacteria, animal dander, and other contaminants. 

For many of us, a clean and tidy home also makes us feel calmer and organized. We have a sense of order and control, and our dining room, kitchen, and bedrooms look and feel a lot better. Did you know there’s a direct correlation between a cluttered mind and a cluttered home? This correlation is found not only in those responsible for keeping a house clean but for everyone who lives there. A dirty, messy home creates a constant level of low-level stress, contributing to feelings of anxiety and even depression. A dirty house could make you feel powerless and disorganized, or it prevents you from inviting guests for dinner. However, living in a cluttered environment is a healthy choice mentally or physically. 

Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving

A cleaning service is the perfect Valentine’s Day gift! So please give us a call today! We want to help you make 2021 the best Valentine’s Day in history! Let’s go! 727-313-4560.