Six Spring Cleaning Tips to Increase Productivity at Work

Spring cleaning isn’t something you should only do at home. Your workspace deserves some attention, too. Office spring cleaning can help improve your performance at work and your reputation with your colleagues! Read on to learn six spring cleaning tips to increase productivity at work. 

How Your Workspace Impacts Your Job

The state of your workspace has a significant impact on the way you do your job. You’ll save a lot of time and energy if your items are orderly and easy to access. Investing in the process now will save you time later.

Plus, did you know many of the people you work with will form opinions about you based on how you keep your office? According to a survey by the staffing firm Adecco, 57 percent of Americans admit to judging their coworkers based on how clean or dirty they keep their workspace.

Spring cleaning your office can feel like a chore. However, it can be motivating to understand how giving this process a little time and energy can benefit you in your professional life. 

Here are a few office spring cleaning points to keep in mind: 


An organized office helps you be more efficient and productive. If you know where everything is, you won’t have to waste any time fumbling around looking for it. A clean space incites you to do your best work. This process is for you so that you can accomplish more in less time. 


When you love your office, it helps you love your job. Having a clean and well-organized office is a mood booster. The process may take a little time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it in the end.


Keeping a clean office sends the right message to the people you work with or for. It helps to demonstrate your trustworthiness and capability. On the other hand, a messy office sends the wrong signals. It could make you seem less conscientious than you would otherwise. And, these impressions can be difficult to shake.

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to take a lot of time either. Small changes can make a significant difference. So, no matter how much of a project you’re ready to take on, here are six spring cleaning tips to increase productivity at work.

Six Spring Cleaning Tips to Increase Productivity at Work

Ignite Inspiration 

You might not ever feel fired up about cleaning your office. But, having some enthusiasm for the task will go a long way to help you succeed. So, before you do anything else, get inspired. 

Picture how you want your office to look and think about how that will make you feel. It will help you get excited about the work.

You also might want to consider a reward that you can enjoy once the task of spring cleaning your office is behind you. Maybe you’ll buy some new art to put on the wall or your desk, or you’ll invest in a new work bag. Pairing the chore of cleaning with an exciting reward can help inspire and motivate you.

Conquer Small Wins 

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything you want to accomplish, especially before getting started. So, be sure to guard against that by reminding yourself that it’s entirely all right to do a little at a time.

Some people might elect to take an afternoon to do the entire job. But, if your schedule doesn’t allow for that, don’t worry. You can accomplish just as much by spending only a few minutes here and there when you find the time.

The trick is to decide on an approach in advance, no matter what kind of a schedule works best. Then, be sure to stick to the plan. Make an appointment to clean your office — and write it in pen, not pencil. (Metaphorically is fine.) Make it a real priority. That’s the best way to ensure you’ll accomplish the task.

Just make sure to set a plan for the work that you can meet. Being too ambitious about how much time you can afford to devote to the project could delay progress down the road. Set the bar low enough to reach.

Create a Process 

Cleaning and organizing is a process. Start by clearing your space. 

In other words, adjust the focus area for your needs. If you’re cleaning in sprints, take it a drawer at a time. If you’re dedicating the afternoon to cleaning, you can attack larger areas, like your entire desk. 

No matter how big or small your focus, the first step is to look at all of your items. Remove them from the space you’re working on so you can clean the area itself. (Don’t skip this step. Take the drawers out of your desk, for example. Always clean the drawers. Then, evaluate the items in the drawers to determine what should stay and what needs to go. Clean anything you’re keeping or donating, then put away the things you’re saving. 

Make sure that you have quick access to the things that you use most. And group things into categories to help you stay organized in the future. Designating a small space to put away papers or other items can be helpful, too. That way, you can be sure that you’ll stay organized, even when you’re in a rush and things get extra busy at work.

Quick Cleaning Tips for your Home or Office

Divide and Conquer 

Perhaps you need a computer space, a storage area, a meeting space, and a library. Think about your office in zones to help you become more efficient. It will encourage you to keep up with the organizational systems you’ve established, too.

Similarly, if you still have physical paperwork, think about using folders (either loose folders or the kind you file) to organize projects, jobs, clients, or any other information. Label the folder for quick reference and efficiently stack and store them in a cool, dry place. 

Organizing your space and your work into categories is an essential part of the process. But be sure to leave some space for the unexpected. Leaving half a shelf empty and buying a few extra folders gives you room to grow.

Satisfy Your Senses

Spring cleaning your office can be about removing dirt and dust and organizing files. But, you’ll want to add some joy and pleasantness to your space while you’re at it!

Add some vibrant colors to your office to add energy to your space. Bring in posters to hang on the wall or flowers (fake or real) to arrange on your desk. Be mindful of people’s allergies before you bring in any strong smells or real flowers. 

Consider adding some softer lighting. Or, treat yourself to a beautiful new piece of art to place on the walls or top of your desk. Little touches like these can make a big difference.

Modernize your Happiness

Take a look at the decorations, trinkets, toys, and pictures you have placed around your office. Do they need updating? Would a more current photograph of your family make you smile, perhaps? Or, maybe that old knickknack or desk toy doesn’t seem as adorable as it once did. Let go of the old to make way for the new.

Add a few personal items to your office space that make you feel happy and relaxed. For example, photographs of your family, pet, or a time when you were on vacation can set the tone of your space. Overall, focusing on the details creates lasting value in the workplace.  

Contact Us

Are you doing some office spring cleaning? Please give us at 727-313-4560, so we can help you get started spring cleaning your office today! 

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