6 Cleaning Products Every Office Should Have 

Keeping your office as clean and presentable as possible requires thorough, large-scale cleanings and everyday tidy-ups. Accidents are bound to happen with crowds of people moving in and out of your office every day. It’s a good idea to have some cleaning products available at all times to manage the occasional spill, stain, or any other mess. Here are the 6 cleaning products that every office should have on-hand.

1. Glass Cleaner

In offices with large windows or glass doors can quickly become smudged and dirty. Not only do these blemishes make your office look unprofessional, but they can also cause damage to the glass if left for too long. Keep glass cleaner on-hand to wipe away any spots as they occur quickly.

2. Disinfecting Wipes

An all-purpose cleaning tool, disinfecting wipes are the perfect cleaning product for any sticky situation you may encounter in the office. Use them to wipe down the break room table after lunch or to clean up after an accidental coffee spill at your desk. Disinfecting wipes are also safe to use when wiping down your computer, keyboard, and other office electronics and supplies.

3. Stain Removers

Spilling food or liquid on to your lap is not only embarrassing; it can also permanently damage your clothes and disrupt your professional meetings. Keep a stain removal stick or wipes on-hand in the office to ensure all your employees look their best, even when accidents happen. Also, you can use stain removers on carpets and upholstered furniture.

4. White Vinegar

White vinegar is not only an excellent home remedy; it is a great backup cleaning product if you’ve run out of chemical cleaners. White vinegar has many of the same properties as chemical cleaners, so it’s a good alternative if nothing else is available. For instance, use white vinegar to clean desktops or floors. Another practical and safe use of white vinegar is to use it to clean out your coffee machine: run one cycle with white vinegar and then one with water to keep your coffee maker clean and mold-free.

5.Microfiber Cloths

Computer monitors are dust and smudge magnets. A quick swipe with a tissue moves the film around and leaves the smudges intact. An office supply of dry screen wipes and alcohol-free and solvent-free gentle screen cleaners helps restore computers to a like-new shine. Cleaning fluids and microfiber cloths even decrease static buildup, so those sparkling screens stay pristine longer between wipes. 

6. Air Freshener

Nothing is more off-putting than an unpleasant smell moving throughout the office. Keep a can of air freshener on-hand to eliminate nasty odors before meetings or visits from essential clients. If you’re not too fond of some air freshers’ artificial scent, choose an unscented variety that will mask odors without supplying a harsh fragrance. You could also get a diffuser that expells natural oils. 

Contact Us

Keeping these cleaning products, on-hand will make it easier to keep your office as presentable as possible. If you need extra support keeping your office clean and organized, trust the professional team at Crystal Cleaning Janitorial Services. For more information about our professional cleaning services, contact us today!