kitchen cleaning tips

If you lead a busy lifestyle—as I’m sure you do—it becomes challenging to keep the house tidy. In last week’s post, we went over the following scenario: You might start the week with a chiefly clean and orderly home. But, then, you realize that you haven’t put away any of your dry-cleaning, and you haven’t folded any laundry. To top it all off: there’s a growing stack of dishes in the kitchen. And speaking of the kitchen, this week’s post is focused on tidying tips to keep your kitchen fresh. 

By Friday, the house is a full-blown disaster zone—that is, until you rest from your week and tackle the massive (and much-needed) tidying-up work. Then the cycle starts all over again. 

We promise it’s quicker than you think. Keep scrolling to study up on the house cleaning tips that will permanently transform your home state.

Do yourself a favor and adopt these smart daily house cleaning tips, so you never have to spend your precious weekend tidying up the house. 

Now it’s Time to Eat: Tidy the Kitchen.

Always do the dishes first thing if you didn’t do them the night before: We get it. Dishes can pile up—and they are annoying! But make it a point to clean up the dishes immediately after using them. However, we know people are busy, so do them first thing in the morning, instead. It will make your life a lot easier! 

When you notice a spill, clean it right away. It’s easier to see small spills in the morning, so inspect your countertops and floors during broad daylight hours. While it’s simple to tell yourself Oh, I’ll take care of that when I clean this weekend, getting it done will get you into the habit of cleaning as you go.

Swap out your dish towel. Did you know dish towels should be changed more often than what we usually do? Get into the habit of swapping them out in the morning and tossing the old ones into the laundry basket.

Later in the evening, be sure to clean as you cook. There are two types of chefs in this world: those who clean as they cook and those who don’t. Start cleaning your prep work before you start cooking. Once your meal is ready, soak items, so they are easier to clean later. 

Fill and start the dishwasher at night. Do it between episodes if you must, but get it done. We caution that if you run your dishwasher at night, be sure to turn the heat dryer off. Not only is this safer, but it also saves money on your electricity bill. 

Wipe countertops and cooking surfaces. Wipe down your counters and stove each night before you go to bed. Get into the habit of wiping the microwave after each use. You’ll love waking up to a spotless kitchen.

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There are more tips to come! Please stay tuned for next week’s blog post about how to maintain your living room. In the meantime, contact us for RESIDENTIAL or COMMERCIAL cleaning