6 Effective Cleaning Strategies to Brighten Mother's Day

Moms are the greatest. Yet, sometimes we find ourselves searching for last-minute Mother’s Day gifts. While none of us will let this get in our way when the big day comes. Fortunately, some of the best Mother’s Day ideas don’t involve large bouquets of roses or expensive jewelry. Crystal Cleaning offers 6 effective cleaning strategies to brighten Mother’s Day this year. 

1 Organize the Garage

If your mom has a garage, it is likely it needs a good cleaning or organizing. In a best-case scenario, cleaning up the garage will require putting things back where they belong and giving the floor a good sweeping. However, it may need a little more TLC. Start by labeling boxes, plastic storage containers, and baskets with masking tape.

Do your best to organize items with some system (e.g., tools all in one container). Once everything is packed away or stored in its right corner, you’ll be surprised at how open the space becomes. Mom will be surprised at your ability to pick the perfect last-minute Mother’s Day gift.

2 Remove Radiators and HVAC Build-up

Heaters, air conditioners, and radiators typically have small crevices where dirt, grime, and dust build-up. A thorough cleaning makes it easier to breathe in the home. 

There are plenty of ways to accomplish this task for mom. Blowing a hairdryer nozzle into baseboard heaters is works well. Run water over the HVAC system’s removable filter to give it a good clean. Keyboard Duster also works to get the job done. Note: If you’re cleaning a radiator, be sure to turn it off before cleaning it.

3 Remove Dust from the Blinds

Dust mites are one of the leading causes of allergies globally. Even if your mom isn’t sensitive to dust mites, no one likes to look at the dust on the blinds. Cleaning the blinds is one of the most straightforward last-minute Mother’s Day gift ideas with one of the most significant payoffs.

While a simple Duster can get the job done, you should go a step further for mom. Dip a cloth in rubbing alcohol and wrap it around a spatula. Use the tool you created to move back and forth between the blinds.

Once you remove the dust, utilize an antistatic spray on the blinds, such as Static Guard. This method helps prevent future build-up.

4 Pressure Wash the House

A solid father-son or daughter pressure washing team can do wonders to clean the outside of a home. Dirt and grime can build up on any surface of a home. While the degradation may be subtle, a before and after picture over just one year can show significant changes.

If you don’t have a pressure washer handy, you can rent one from a home improvement store, so there’s no need to splurge on expensive equipment to perform this task. You can purchase any commercial cleaner while picking up your rental. You can also mix a cleaner if you’re looking to save money.

5 Clean Out the Gutters

Cleaning the gutters involves climbing a ladder. Therefore, this task is best suited for safety-minded adults. Up to 20 percent of leaves and debris can filter through the best gutter covers, so even if mom thinks a good cleaning isn’t necessary, you’re likely to find out otherwise.

A pair of gloves and a water hose can do wonders when cleaning out the gutters. However, if you want to go all out for your Mother’s Day gift, grab some caulk to seal any cracks, paint to liven up any dull spots, and power drill to secure any loose overhangs.

Removing built-up debris and leaves will leave the house looking much cleaner. Picking up this mess can also prevent water damage and serves as one of the best ways to keep bugs out of a home.

6 Touch Up Peeling/Faded Paint

If you’re still stuck trying to figure out a last-minute Mother’s Day gift, take a look around at the walls and her home’s exterior. Do you notice any paint that’s fading, peeling, or patchy in spots? Wanting to fix these spots is an excellent opportunity to perform an easy fix that belies simplicity.

First, clean the targeted area with soapy water to remove dirt. Then, utilize vinyl spackling to fix any damage. Once the spackling dries, take some sandpaper to the wall to smooth things out. After applying a coat of primer, paint the area with the original color. If you’re out of the original paint, consider getting a paint color sheet to ensure you match the colors up well.

If All Else Fails, Call Crystal Cleaning!

Crystal Cleaning offers 6 effective cleaning strategies to brighten Mother’s Day this year. Indeed, we understand that in today’s world, people are busy. One of the greatest gifts you can give mom this Mother’s Day is a gift from the heart: a clean home. Call us today for a FREE estimate. Schedule now! We are booking up quickly! 727-313-4560