5 Notorious Places in the Home Bugs Like to Hang and How to Stop Them!

It’s that time of the year when the temperature begins to rise. Unfortunately, the muggy weather is a bug’s favorite. Not only will you see a ton of bugs outside, but you might find swarms of them inside your home. Here are tips to keep bugs out of your house this summer. Crystal Cleaning provides 5 notorious places in the home bugs like to hang and how to stop them! 

1 Start Bugging Out in the Garage 

Your garage will probably provide the perfect refuge for critters this summer. This fact is especially true if you have a slew of cardboard boxes full of items you haven’t laid hands-on in a long while. To make sure your garage doesn’t become a haven for these critters, clean out those cardboard boxes and eliminate stuff you’re not using. This action will reduce the clutter, and it will mean fewer hiding places for the bugs.

2 Catch the Critters in Your Kitchen

Since humans consider the kitchen the heart of the home, bugs follow suit. Not those bugs for sure. Between those kitchen table crumbs, the leftover food in the trash bin, the dirty dishes left in the sink, and the overripe fruits on the countertop—those bugs are in for a feast.

To prevent insects from hanging around your kitchen scavenging on treats, check your kitchen cabinets and pantry first. Next, remove stale food items and store the remaining items in airtight containers. Then, wipe the interior of the cabinet and pantry area and put shelf paper down before placing the remaining food items back inside.

Other ways to prevent bugs also include buying a trashcan bin that comes with a lid. It would be best if you also scrubbed down the countertop and floor using a sponge with a squirt of dishwashing liquid. Wash the dishes right away as soon as you finish your meal. Finally, vacuum the kitchen floor, but be sure to move appliances away from to wall to clean those hard-to-reach spaces. The idea is to eliminate food and water sources that can lure bugs inside your kitchen.

3 Bedroom Bugs Are a Thing—but they Don’t Have to Be

The room may harbor insects like bed bugs, fleas, cockroaches, spiders, and ants. To get rid of them, make sure you properly store your dirty clothes and sheets in the laundry area. 

Encase your mattress with a protective cover to deprive bed bugs of a possible hiding place. Also, vacuum regularly and reduce clutter by going over all the stuff in your closets and getting rid of things you haven’t used.

Most importantly, if you’re fond of eating inside the bedroom, be sure to clean up after you’ve had your midnight snack. Otherwise, ants and cockroaches will see those leftovers, empty chip bags, and crumbs as an invitation to clean up after you.

4 Bathroom Bugs and How to Stop Them! 

Water sources attract bugs like silverfish, mold mites, drain flies, and cockroaches. Cockroaches, for instance, can live without food for weeks but can’t live without water for more than two days. So to make sure the bathroom won’t make an appealing hub for these bugs, check the pipes underneath the bathroom sink and make sure there’s no leakage. 

Also, remove the gunk—those black film that accumulates inside the drain—regularly. Bugs love a moist and humid environment so ensuring ample ventilation inside the bathroom is an easy way of preventing those critters from making a home out of your bathroom.

5 A Living Room is for People, Not Bugs! 

Your living room could play host to bugs like house flies, pavement ants, carpet beetles, and bed bugs. If you have a fireplace, that will be the first place to check if you notice an onslaught of unwelcome guests showing up while you’re hanging out with your family or friends. An old fireplace may have cracks, which will serve as an entryway for beetles and ants. Larger pests stink, bugs, rodents, and raccoons can also make their way into your house through the chimney. Finally, insects like termites could find their way into the home by hitching on the firewood.

When vacuuming the living room, pay extra attention to the carpet. This space could make an excellent haven for insects like carpet beetles. To prevent them from causing damage to your carpet and other fixtures in the living room, mix white vinegar and water and apply this to shelves, window sills, and other furniture. Sprinkle this mixture on the inside of the carpet as well.

Contact Crystal Cleaning

Still, dealing with bugs? Crystal Cleaning provides 5 notorious places in the home bugs like to hang and how to stop them. Overall, there’s no better way to prevent bugs from coming into your home than to clean it. A clean home is the most sure-fire way to stop bugs from bugging you. Call us today for an estimate on a deep clean for your home!